Digital Art: Zodiac Series

During the initial Covid lockdown I was starting to go stir crazy from not shooting, working, or playing. I decided to mess around in photoshop making these digital collages. I’m really into fashion and portrait photos from the early 1900s and I found all these beautiful images of women from that time period. I initially made the mermaid collage for myself, not intending to do a series on the Zodiac signs. However, when I was finished, I found that it felt good to create and Photoshop was a medium I was familiar with and could use practice in.

I wanted to do a themed series to keep myself occupied and creating, instead of consuming. I don’t know about you, but during lockdown I found myself doom scrolling or impulse shopping. It seems like Americans are really great at consuming and I wanted to slow my roll and save my bank account. So that’s how I got into digital collages and this series specifically. I noticed the first collage I stitched together was aquatic and I made the connection to my own zodiac symbol, Pisces. Immediately, I knew I had to do a series on the Zodiac signs. So I got to work!

I did research on each sign one by one. I wanted to implement the Zodiac sign’s ruling planet, other characteristics like earth/water/fire/air, and the personality traits synched with the early 1900s models. There’s a few I enjoy more than others and I have the desire to re-do 2 or 3 (Aquarius & Gemini). Overall, this was a really neat project that kept me sane during quarantine. And, I’ve got one left to go. Nothing against you, Taurus, I just saved the best for last! Coming soon!


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